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Small Groups and Courses


Small Groups

Although we have the opportunity to get together every Sunday, we find it vital to meet in smaller groups during the week. This gives us chance to:

  • Get to know each other better
  • Pray for each other
  • Learn more about different issues
  • Study the Bible together

You are welcome to join one of our various evening groups that run on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday nights or our Daytime groups, held on alternate Tuesdays. Just email us to find out more.


As well as these, we also regularly run all sorts of short courses. We publicise them along the way. Here’s just a few we've done recently:

Alpha – Discuss life’s big questions with Nicky Gumbel and others

The Marriage Sessions - 4 part marriage enrichment course from Care for the Family

The Prayer Course - an 8 week journey through the Lord’s Prayer with Pete Greig

Be Still - Explore the simple, transformative practice of a daily quiet time with God

The Dasel Course - a unique evangelism course from Mark and Fiona Gilpin

The Bible Course – explore the world’s bestseller!

Parentalk – gives parents time to talk about the day-to-day challenges as well sharing the things that are going well.

Life of Jesus - a six-session, video-based study to help you dig deeper into what is known about Jesus’ life and why it matters

Power to Heal - an 8 week DVD course on healing with Randy Clark

Basic Training for the Prophetic Ministry - 8 week DVD course on prophecy with Kris Vallotton