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We love to pray and so often sense God speaking to us through prayer. We see so many answers to prayer. We connect to God's heart through prayer and are changed by it.

We can pray for you!

If you have a prayer request you can confidentially email our pastor Dan. Or you can always pop a note through our office door. You don't even need to put your name on it, God understands.

We meet as a church four times a week to pray. Contact our Pastor Dan if you would like to receive the links.

Monday Morning Prayer: 11am (on Zoom)

Prayer Meeting: Tuesdays 8-9pm (on Zoom)

Seeking His Face: Wednesdays 6.15-7pm (Church Foyer)

Sunday mornings before the service: 9.30am (Church Hall)

You can pray too!

Prayer is a conversation with God. To find out more go here: trypraying

Prayer Ministry

After every Sunday morning service our prayer team is on hand to pray with you. You might have something in particular you'd like prayer support for, or maybe you're after a deeper encounter with God....whatever it is our team will pray confidentially and support you with love.